Petition to President Donald J. Trump
President Trump Please Award Patrick J. Buchanan the Presidential Medal of Freedom
Patrick J. Buchanan has been an advisor to three Presidents. He is a brilliant wordsmith and was a true journalist, the way they were meant to be. For decades, Mr. ...
Petition to United States Supreme Court
We the People ask the SCOTUS to Expedited Review of Lyman v. Cox Case
To: The Supreme Court of the United States From: The Citizens of Utah Subject: Petition for Expedited Review of Lyman v. Cox, Writ of Certiorari We, the undersigned citizens of ...
Petition to Patricia Holkte
Dear Donald Trump, we Christian conservatives are asking that you now make a public statement regarding the abortion issue saying that you are once again taking a strong stance against ...
Petition to Jonathan Skrmetti
Stop the Persecution of Christians in America
Do you oppose the DOJ imprisoning Christians for peacefully practicing their faith? Sign this petition.
Petition to The Blind Lawyer Explains
Boycott Colorado Draft Ken Paxton
Not since the 1860 has a Presidential Candidate from a major party been kept off the ballot. That President was Abraham Lincoln. Now the rogue state of Colorado wishes to ...
Petition to House of Representatives
Repeal the NFA
By passing H.R. 450 and repealing the National Firearms Act of 1934, an unnecessary infringement on the Second Amendment rights of the American people will be removed. This bill will ...
Petition to YCTWT
Stand with Dr. Wendler and WTAMU to ban drag shows on campus
In a recent statement on behalf of West Texas A&M University, **President Dr. Walter Wendler made the decision to not allow a drag show to take place on the WTAMU ...
Petition to Sandra Barefoot-Reid
Support for Angela Allen, Goochland County School Board Member
*"As a Goochland School Board member, effectively representing your interests is my duty. This week I learned that GCPS students are allowed to use restrooms different from their biological gender. ...
This Petition does not defend or attack any political party. All people of all political party persuasions will support this effort if they believe in the American principles that our ...
Petition to Department of Children & Families (DCF)
Petition against DCF’s politically motivated persecution of medical freedom activist Rabbi Michoel Green
We the undersigned, declare our vehement protest against the malicious persecution of Rabbi Michoel and Rebetzin Devora Green by the Massachusetts Department of Children & Families (DCF) and threats to ...
Petition to Kaitlin Owens
Congressional Oversight and Investigation Into the J6 Committee and Treatment of Unconvicted Defendants
TO THE ELECTED LEGISLATORS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: It has come to the attention of We the People of the United States, your electors, that the mismanagement of the ...
Petition to Governor Phil Murphy
End Governor Murphy’s Covid-19 Testing Mandate for School Employees
Governor Murphy continues to uphold the unconstitutional and discriminatory EO 253 mandate. This law mandates that all school staff members, who are not fully vaccinated, must get tested for Covid-19 ...