Petition to Jeff Gaul

We The People demand that Congress declares that our republic is in full force and effect!

We The People demand that Congress declares that our republic is in full force and effect!
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This Petition does not defend or attack any political party. All people of all political party persuasions will support this effort if they believe in the American principles that our founders gave us.

Our great exclusive republican form of government (also known as "our republic") has been under attack since its inception. And, the majority of us do not agree with the radicals, but they are dominating. More and more rights and privileges are being ignored. We can stop this!

It is notable that our republican form of government has no correlation with the Republican political party.

We The People have put our differences aside and come together to assure that, going forward, all legitimate citizens of the USA are provided the same rights and privileges, as our founders gave us.

Under our republic, all of our “God-given” and “natural” rights and privileges are protected and cannot be voted on or taken away. This is an important distinction because if we keep our original republic, all legitimate citizens will forever retain those rights and privileges. And, the rights that have been taken away must be restored, and they all will be as soon as Congress acts.

Under our republic, no right or privilege can be voted on. However, there are relentless efforts underway to rid us of our republic and the rights and privileges it provides. Why would anyone want to eliminate our great exclusive republic that guarantees that our rights cannot be voted away from us? Instead, we now stand together, putting any differences aside, and demand that all citizens are afforded all rights and privileges and that Congress validates such.

Please share your thoughts in the "reasons for signing" section below. LET'S DO THIS AMERICA! Thank You!

7 Supporters

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Letter to
We The People, Jeff Gaul

We The People demand that Congress declares that our republic is in full force and effect!


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Our Country is at risk! Please Act! start this petition
1 year ago

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7 Supporters
993 needed to reach 1,000
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