Petition to President Donald J. Trump

President Trump Please Award Patrick J. Buchanan the Presidential Medal of Freedom

President Trump Please Award Patrick J. Buchanan the Presidential Medal of Freedom

Patrick J. Buchanan has been an advisor to three Presidents. He is a brilliant wordsmith and was a true journalist, the way they were meant to be. For decades, Mr. Buchanan has been an ardent defender of traditional American values. Had we heeded his warnings long ago, we wouldn't have nearly the problems we have today. He took a strong stand on illegal immigration, for innocent life, for family values, and he made "America First" a part of the national discourse. Mr. Buchanan took a strong stand against radical feminism, Communism, and the "Balkanization" of America. He ran three times for President and waged the Culture War beginning in 1992. He never once apologized for his strong stands. He is a man of integrity and has had no scandals. He deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom. President Trump, please award this courageous patriot with this honor.

6 Supporters

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Letter to
President of the United States, President Donald J. Trump

President Trump Please Award Patrick J. Buchanan the Presidential Medal of Freedom


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Bob Cassiday start this petition
2 weeks ago

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6 Supporters
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