

Joined February 16, 2021

Petition to Donald Trump
Recall justice John Roberts

johnRobert's is against the constitution and he is a pedophile. He is against the American people

After the Obergfell vs. Hodges decision of 2015 to legalize civil marriage for same-sex couples, supportive politicians have celebrated this every year by flying the "pride" or "progress" flags under ...

Petition to Dr Joseph Warren
A Declaration of Restoration

The United States government has conducted the greatest crime in world history and in the process destroyed our Constitutional republic. American patriots will not let this crime stand. Please sign ...

We The People of the United States who have dubbed ourselves Patriots and appointed ourselves Watchmen of the Constitution and Protectors of the unalienable Freedoms and Rights included therein, do ...

Petition to Amy Coney Barrett
Protect the First and Second Amendment

We need to protect the First and Second Amendments. They are what's keeping this country alive, and the only thing standing between us and tyranny.

Wyoming currently has no provisions in place to recall the governor and other elected officials at the state level. We the people of the State of Wyoming, by signing this ...

We, the undersigned eligible voters of the State of Tennessee, are imploring Tennessee Attorney General, Herbert H Slatery III, to JOIN Texas in its federal election lawsuit against the States of Georgia, ...

Petition to Patricia Holtke
Expel Mitt Romney

Senator Mitt Romney voted to impeach Donald J. Trump, which was completely unconstitutional given the fact that the conditions for impeachment pertain to a sitting president. Secondly, the grounds ...

Petition to Brian Kemp

We, the people of the state of Georgia and citizens of the United States of America, sincerely believe that our constitutional right to free and fair elections has been destroyed ...

Because of the rampant fraud through which our votes have been stolen in the 2020 general elections and we the legal voters disenfranchise from having our votes count in the ...

This is a formal request asking Joe Biden to honor the TRUE outcome of the 2020 election. Please concede gracefully! From mountains of illegal and fraudulent mail in ballots, from ...

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has totally mismanaged the election. He proceeded to implement the Dominion Voting System, even after he was warned that the machines were vulnerable ...