Petition to We The People

Declaration of Independence From Biden’s Illegitimate Administration

S B S B · US

Declaration of Independence From Biden’s Illegitimate Administration
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We The People of the United States who have dubbed ourselves Patriots and appointed ourselves Watchmen of the Constitution and Protectors of the unalienable Freedoms and Rights included therein, do hereby Denounce, officially and fully, the Administration we have deemed Illegitimate, which consists of the President of the United States Joseph R. Biden, the Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris, and all members of this administration included therein.

We The People of the United States have, after examining sufficient evidence pertaining to voter and election fraud, deemed the 2020 Presidential Election of the United States of America on November 3, and the days and weeks after, a Fraudulent Election which fails to represent the true Will of The People of the United States, the constitution of which proclaims that the victor of an American Presidential Election shall be the presidential candidate who receives 270 or more electoral votes. We the Watchmen of the Constitution, do not believe that Presidential Candidate Joseph R. Biden received 270 legal electoral votes. Therefore, We The People hereby Condemn Joseph R. Biden's presidential status as illegitimate and illegal under the laws of the Constitution of The United States.

 We the People Hereby Declare ourselves Independent from the Joseph R. Biden administration. 

 We take the Declaration of our Independence solemnly and with full gravity and knowledge that our persecution may occur as a result. We sign this Declaration with a clear Conscience and a Sound, Discerning mind, being under no external pressure to do so, and with the motive of the following guiding our actions:
 Love of Country,
 Belief in the Sanctity of our American Constitution,
 Debt owed to our Founding Fathers for our Liberty,
 and Service to fellow Countrymen.

 Signed in the Year of Our Lord, Two-Thousand and Twenty-One,

 We The People of The United States

59 Supporters

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Letter to
Manager, We The People

Declaration of Independence From Biden’s Illegitimate Administration


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S B start this petition
4 years ago

1 Comment

Theresa M De Maio
Theresa M De Maio

My brother Michael J De Maio & mother Elizabeth Anne De Maio would like to also like to support this document. Great job. Well written.

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59 Supporters
41 needed to reach 100
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