Linda yeates


Joined March 20, 2022

Petition to Concerned Voters
Fed Up Voters

**So goes Texas, so goes the nation!** The Tarrant County election process is critically compromised. The Elections Administrator has failed to securely and effectively manage our elections. We demand the ...

Governor Kay Ivey’s Executive Order doesn’t stop the unethical “vaccinate or terminate mandates” from private employers that are being implemented in the State of ...

Petition to UCP Membership
Remove Premier Jason Kenney Now!

Whereas: * Jason Kenney promised that LOCKDOWNS, which violate freedom of assembly, were over * Jason Kenny broke his word on VACCINE PASSPORTS which violate freedom of ASSOCIATION * Jason ...

We, the LEGAL citizens of the sovereign United States, demand the swift impeachment of Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, for treasonous high crimes, misdemeanors, intentional deception, and failure ...

Joe Biden is currently displaying actions and behaviors that are consistent with dereliction of duty and giving Aid and comfort to the enemy in the form of military hardware and ...

This petition serves as notice to all government officials that 'We the People' DEMAND the end of all Covid-19 mandates. It is time for CITIZENS to be in charge of ...

Petition to Fremont County Public Health
Parent/Personal CHOICE- NO to Mask Mandates

Please sign this petition if you are NOT willing to be forced to mask your children 7.5 hours a day while at school when there is NO evidence that masking ...

Petition to Jessica Collins
Unseat Jeremy Portje NOW

We, the undersigned residents of Novato, are demanding the removal of Jeremy Portje, Vice-Chair of the Novato Police Advisory Review Board (PARB), as well as fellow board member, Megan Brizzolara. "Portje ...

We, the undersigned, petition the board of directors of Weekday Ministries at Geist Christian Church to end the following protocols related to COVID-19, permanently and effective immediately: 1. Requirements for ...

Petition to Nuria Rivera-Vandermyde
Save Boulder Police jobs from mandates

Long- term Boulder police officers in the City of Boulder are being threatened with termination due to the vaccine mandate. During this time of unrest and critical incidents like the ...

Alabama's education program is at an all-time low with the state ranked 52nd in math and dead last overall. Despite over $5 billion allocated to Pre-K through 12th grades, Alabama's ...

Petition to President Donald J Trump
Lynz Piper-Loomis for SC US House District 1

We have a sitting Congresswoman who has multiple times duped her constituents by voting for bills and supporting ideologies, completely against the conservative values she claimed she had in order ...