All Petitions


We the People Demand that Mr. Joe Biden step down and Concede to the Legitimate Presidential Winner
Petition to We the People

We the people will not accept you as President. We as Americans ...

Wethe People 92 supporters 1
Petition to Niki North

Dear Mr. Joe Biden, The Constitution of the United States is very ...

Wethe People 4 supporters
We The People demand that Congress declares that our republic is in full force and effect!
Petition to Jeff Gaul

This Petition does not defend or attack any political party. All people ...

Our Country is at risk! Please Act! 7 supporters
Vote ‘Yes’ on the Child Sexual Abuse Accountability Amendment
Petition to Bob Gardner

On Feb. 7, 2024, Colorado State Senator Bob Gardner and State Senator ...

Holding Predators Accountable 14 supporters
Marin County, CA, US
Unseat Jeremy Portje NOW
Petition to Jessica Collins

We, the undersigned residents of Novato, are demanding the removal of Jeremy ...

Julie Zeller 11 supporters
Lexington, VA, US
Tucker Carlson should replace Rush Limbaugh
Petition to Mr. Tucker Carlson

Rush Limbaugh was the leading conservative voice for American Patriots. He was ...

James Cook 6 supporters
Trump WON! We demand justice….decertification of bogus results & a contingent election!
Petition to Brian Kemp

INTRODUCTION: We are at a critical point in our history. If we ...

Maryla Webb Studer 3 supporters
Dallas County, TX, US
The Resignation of Dallas City Manager T.C. Broadnax
Petition to Eric Johnson

We demand the immediate resignation of Dallas City Manager T.C. Broadnax for ...

Keep Dallas Safe 4 supporters
The Pursuit of Election Integrity & Holding the Corrupt Accountable
Petition to Operation Expose

Dear Patriot, What's more important for the future of this country? Pursuing ...

Operation Expose 6 supporters
The Pursuit of a Just and Honest Election
Petition to Arizona State Legislature

Petition to the State Legislatures of the Battleground States Regarding the Presidential ...

Jack R. Graham 22 supporters
Texas School Choice
Petition to Matt Schaefer

We, the Texas Minority Coalition, petition to all Texas elected officials to ...

Texas Minority Coalition 11 supporters
Test Petition for Martin County
Petition to Legislator

This is a test.

Bill Voltmer 3 supporters