Our children are being forced to cover their noses and mouths for 8-9 hours, 5 days a week. They're being forced to wear masks outside in hot temperatures, while at PE and recess. One child at my sons school pulled his mask down while running laps, and was forced to run more laps with the mask on, as a punishment. This is not only completely unhealthy, but it's also just pure insanity. Children in the US who have been affected by the virus are 0.01%. These extremely low numbers do not constitute or justify a solution that poses more health risk than the "problem" itself.
We will be appealing to the county school board to remove this mandate on Tuesday, April 27th at 5:00 pm. We will have 3 minutes to appeal, and our hope is to bring with us 5,000 signatures from this petition. PLEASE spare 2 minutes out of your day to sign this petition, and give out children their health, and smiles back. If we don't advocate for them, who will? Thank you!