Sam Watson


Joined February 20, 2021

Petition to Donald Trump
Recall justice John Roberts

johnRobert's is against the constitution and he is a pedophile. He is against the American people

Petition to Dr Joseph Warren
A Declaration of Restoration

The United States government has conducted the greatest crime in world history and in the process destroyed our Constitutional republic. American patriots will not let this crime stand. Please sign ...

Petition to Patricia Holtke
Expel Mitt Romney

Senator Mitt Romney voted to impeach Donald J. Trump, which was completely unconstitutional given the fact that the conditions for impeachment pertain to a sitting president. Secondly, the grounds ...

We the undersigned, hereby demand that a complete audit of the "Dominion Voting Systems" voting machines be performed prior to the certification of ballots on December 2nd, 2020. In ...

To SF Police Chief William Scott: Laws aren’t just for the “little people.” Not only did Nancy Pelosi knowingly violate health ordinances, but just destroyed a business because she couldn’t take a ...

The mainstream media embraces the worst kind of people. If the Left loves to hire criminals, and the mainstream media love to hire soulless, lying thugs. We need to fire ...

There is massive evidence that President Trump is the winner of the election. We now need to demand a second election with absolutely NO mail-in votes. Of course absentee votes ...

We the American people are fed up with the house democrats not fulfilling their elected duties. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited a San Francisco hair salon on Monday afternoon for ...

Netflix ignored our request to remove Cuties and aired the film! As many have seen, it's far worse than we imagined! The parents of these children, the staff, the director ...