Petition to Donald Trump

PETITION: Remove Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House

PETITION: Remove Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House
Politics in District of Columbia, DC, US
9,2K view

We the American people are fed up with the house democrats not fulfilling their elected duties.

Nancy Pelosi's hatred of our current president has rendered her unable to do her job as speaker of the house. She should immediately step down as Speaker of the house and resign from her duties on capitol hill.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited a San Francisco hair salon on Monday afternoon for a wash and blow-out, despite local ordinances keeping salons closed amid the coronavirus pandemic.

In security footage obtained by Fox News, and timestamped Monday at 3:08 p.m. Pacific Time, the California powerhouse is seen walking through eSalon in San Francisco with wet hair, and without a mask over her mouth or nose.

The stylist doing her hair can be seen following her wearing a black face mask.

Salons in San Francisco had been closed since March and were only notified they could reopen on Sept. 1 for outdoor hairstyling services only. Salon owner Erica Kious, in a phone interview with Fox News on Tuesday, shared details of Pelosi’s visit. Kious explained she has independent stylists working for her who rent chairs in her salon.

“One of the stylists who rents a chair from me contacted me Sunday night,” Kious said.

A screengrab of the text message she received from one of her stylists, and obtained by Fox News, said: “I’ll be there at 2:45 tomorrow. Pelosi assistant just messaged me to do her hair.”

“I was like, are you kidding me right now? Do I let this happen? What do I do?” Kious told Fox News, while noting that she “can’t control” what her stylists do if they rent chairs from her, as “they’re not paying” at this time. Kious cast Pelosi’s visit as a double standard.

“It was a slap in the face that she went in, you know, that she feels that she can just go and get her stuff done while no one else can go in, and I can’t work,” Kious told Fox News, adding that she “can’t believe” the speaker didn’t have a mask on.

September 3, 2020

1,542 Supporters

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Letter to
President of United States, Donald Trump

PETITION: Remove Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House


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Conservative Change start this petition
4 years ago


Patricia Smirniotis
Patricia Smirniotis

Send her to the streets. Take her pension and all her benefits of which we the people pay.
We the people do not want to pay anymore. Let her sleep on the streets with the others in San Francisco.

Daniel Bigelow
Daniel Bigelow

She is nothing but a traitor to the American people and must be removed from office!

Lorrie Roy
Lorrie Roy

Be gone Nancy!!

Liza Ceinos
Liza Ceinos

Time to pack your bags … bye bye Nancy

Tonya Boisvert
Tonya Boisvert

Mrs. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker, needs to stay home, after her removal from this office. She has become an earnest enemy of the USA.

Joanne Gentile
Joanne Gentile

Put the lying cow out to pasture! Enough!!

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1,542 Supporters
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