Petition to Senator Joe Pittman

Defeat the Minorities Business Authority bill in the Pa Senate!!!

Defeat the Minorities Business Authority bill in the Pa Senate!!!
192 view

Another woke Democrat bill (HB 2202] makes permanent the Minorities Business Development Authority Act and creates yet another unfunded mandate on hard-working Pennsylvanians who’ll be excluded from opportunities provided in this bill because they aren’t minorities or illegals!

Thankfully, true patriots in the Pa House voted against it, but this racist bill passed anyway and was sent over to the senate where it awates a vote in committee.

Fortunately, if the patriots who still hold the majority in the Pa senate remain true conservatives, they will not allow this pro-afirmative action bill to come up for a vote!

Martin Luther King who talked about the content of our character -- not skin color -- would hate this bill. But all the blacks in the Pa House and every other Democritter voted YES for this abomination.

Shame on them! And shame on any God-fearing conservative who votes for it!

4 Supporters

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Letter to
PA Senate Majority Leader, Senator Joe Pittman
PA Senate, Senator Doug Mastriano
PA Senate President Pro Tempore, Senator Kim Ward
PA Senate, Senator Chris Gebhard
PA House, Rep. Seth Grove

Dear Conservative PA Lawmakers,

We, the undersigned patriots, urge you to kill HB 2202 in the Pa Senate!

Do not bring this bill up for a vote if you care about liberty!

Patriots in the House voted against it, but it still made its way to the senate.

Thank God Republicans still control the state senate. So you can kill this communist bill!

And do not let this radical democrat bill be something you horsetrade with to get something you want during budget negotiations.

Because if you do, we’ll be watching!


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J. Brandon White start this petition
5 months ago

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4 Supporters
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