Melissa Jean Major


Joined February 14, 2021

We the American people are fed up with the house democrats not fulfilling their elected duties. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited a San Francisco hair salon on Monday afternoon for ...

Dear NFL: We will not support millionaire ingrates who hate America and disrespect our Armed Forces and Veterans. Who wins a football game has ZERO impact on our lives. Who ...

Netflix ignored our request to remove Cuties and aired the film! As many have seen, it's far worse than we imagined! The parents of these children, the staff, the director ...

To SF Police Chief William Scott: Laws aren’t just for the “little people.” Not only did Nancy Pelosi knowingly violate health ordinances, but just destroyed a business because she couldn’t take a ...

There is massive evidence that President Trump is the winner of the election. We now need to demand a second election with absolutely NO mail-in votes. Of course absentee votes ...

Petition to Nicole Eagle
Stop the conservative cancel culture

Hodgetwins on Facebook Wendy Bell on KDKA radio the biased media and social network sites are silencing our voices. Lets show the liberals we refuse to be silenced. removed 2 petitions with apx ...

Petition to Boston Art Commission
Preserve the Emancipation Memorial in Boston

Boston should preserve the Emancipation Statue as a reminder to the public of one of the most important acts of our nation’s history, the act of emancipation. The Boston Art ...

The Constitution commands every government official, SHALL be bound by Oath or Affirmation to support this Constitution; Article 6, Clause 3, and to support a Republic Form of Government. Article ...

Parents and mental health experts world wide are expressing concern and outrage over the alarming amount of the toys sexualizing young children sitting on the shelves this year, one culprit ...

Petition to Patricia Holtke
Expel Mitt Romney

Senator Mitt Romney voted to impeach Donald J. Trump, which was completely unconstitutional given the fact that the conditions for impeachment pertain to a sitting president. Secondly, the grounds ...

Petition to Amy Coney Barrett
Protect the First and Second Amendment

We need to protect the First and Second Amendments. They are what's keeping this country alive, and the only thing standing between us and tyranny.

We The People of the United States who have dubbed ourselves Patriots and appointed ourselves Watchmen of the Constitution and Protectors of the unalienable Freedoms and Rights included therein, do ...