Petition to Stephany Davis

Union County, Tennessee Petition for Wheel Tax Referendum 2023

Union County, Tennessee Petition for Wheel Tax Referendum 2023

We the People of Union County, Tennessee, oppose Union County, Tennessee Commission's Vote to Pass a new Wheel Tax despite many citizen objections. We object to the commission's mismanagement of existing revenue that creates shortfalls while continuing to tax citizens to fund multi-million-dollar projects in a county with a small population with limited resources. Therefore, we believe the fairest way to resolve our problem of unfair taxation without representation is to follow state law in creating a referendum to allow citizens to decide if they want a wheel tax.

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? Citizens who are tired of government overreach and current ability to obligate them to excessive and perpetual taxation. Local governments have a track record of "SPEND & TAX", assuming they can pass the bill to citizens without a hitch or objection. Governments assume they have compliant populations, purchasing property and obligating their citizens further into debt while providing themselves raises and bonuses with taxpayer money. As citizens facing an economic decline due to government spending and mismanagement on the national level, we need to fight for our children and future generations that will continue being victimized by big government spending on the local level.

July 28, 2023

1 Supporters

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Letter to
Tennessee Freedom Coalition, Stephany Davis

Union County, Tennessee Petition for Wheel Tax Referendum 2023


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Tennessee Freedom Coalition start this petition
1 year ago

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1 Supporters
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