Petition to John V. Dolan

East Islip Parents/Teachers Against Covid Vaccine Mandates!

East Islip Parents/Teachers Against Covid Vaccine Mandates!
Constitutional Rights in Suffolk County, NY, US
974 view


The Freedom of Choice petition is not whether you are for or against COVID-19 vaccines, it is about the freedom to choose what you believe is best for your body and your children’s body.

We believe that medical freedom and Freedom of Choice is a fundamental right, not a privilege.

We believe that we have the inalienable right to choose what products should be injected into our children or not. Two of the three vaccine products developed to combat COVID-19 are not fully FDA approved, they are only approved under Emergency Use Authorization. The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine that is fully approved under FDA is a vaccine called Comirnaty and is not what’s being used in the U.S.

The new COVID-19 vaccines are unlike any vaccine ever mandated or created for children before. These new COVID-19 vaccines use mRNA technology which is genetic engineering. mNRA technology manipulates a mark on your DNA to create the COVID-19 spike proteins indefinitely. There are uncertainties about the long-term implications (myocarditis), effectiveness and safety of the COVID-19 vaccines.

It is statistically proven that children have more of a risk of having an adverse reaction from the COVID-19 vaccines (such as myocarditis and pericarditis) than they do of contracting COVID-19 itself. Children should not be mandated to get this medical intervention when they have a 99.997% survival rate.

We believe our constitutional right to freedom of religion cannot be infringed upon. A recent Pfizer whistleblower on Project Veritas discussed how aborted fetal cell lines have been used in the manufacturing and processing of the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine. Pfizer company emails uncovered that employees are trying to hide this information from the general public. Aborted fetal cells are found in other Covid-19 vaccines as well. If you have sincerely held religious beliefs against abortion and the use of aborted fetal cell lines in medical intervention, taking this vaccine violates your constitutional right to freedom of religion. What happened to “My Body My Choice”?

We are asking our East Islip Superintendent John V. Dolan and the East Islip Board of Education to support a parents Freedom of Choice. A vaccine mandate will force many families to homeschool hundreds of children or even move out of state. A vaccine mandate will negatively and deeply impact the East Islip community.

We ask that only East Islip residents sign this petition to truly represent the people who live in the district.

Thank you in advance for petitioning for Freedom of Choice!

Sincerely, East Islip Parents

52 Supporters

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Letter to
Superintendent of East Islip School District, John V. Dolan
East Islip School District Board of Education

East Islip Parents/Teachers Against Covid Vaccine Mandates!


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Amanda Ascher start this petition
3 years ago

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52 Supporters
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