Petition to Jay Lucas

Demand that SC Legislature Leadership immediately call a Special Session regarding Biden’s Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandate

Sabrina Wilson Sabrina Wilson · Greenville County, SC, US

Demand that SC Legislature Leadership immediately call a Special Session regarding Biden’s Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandate

We, the citizens of South Carolina, petition JAY LUCAS (Speaker of the House) and HARVEY PEELER (President of the Senate) to immediately call the SC House and Senate into session to pursue legislative action to thwart the recent unconstitutional vaccine mandates from the Biden administration.

As our State Representatives, it is your job to stand up for SC citizens, interpose for them, and protect them from Federal Overreach. Biden's Vaccine Mandate is an alarming example of such overreach.

NOW is the time to act and the people of South Carolina ask that you move with haste to protect our liberties.

If you fail to stand up to this usurpation, how can we trust that you will protect SC in the future?

197 Supporters

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Letter to
Speaker of the SC House, Jay Lucas
President of the SC Senate, Harvey Peeler

Demand that SC Legislature Leadership immediately call a Special Session regarding Biden's Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandate


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Sabrina Wilson start this petition
3 years ago

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197 Supporters
9,803 needed to reach 10,000
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