Lori Tyler


Joined February 13, 2021

We the people will not accept you as President. We as Americans demand that you step down and concede this position to the duly elected President who won not ...

Petition to Dan bongino
Stand for national anthem

Respect the blue the flag the vote the choice the constitution all service members and law and order.

Petition to Amy Coney Barrett
Protect the First and Second Amendment

We need to protect the First and Second Amendments. They are what's keeping this country alive, and the only thing standing between us and tyranny.

Dear NFL: We will not support millionaire ingrates who hate America and disrespect our Armed Forces and Veterans. Who wins a football game has ZERO impact on our lives. Who ...

The mainstream media embraces the worst kind of people. If the Left loves to hire criminals, and the mainstream media love to hire soulless, lying thugs. We need to fire ...

We The People of the United States who have dubbed ourselves Patriots and appointed ourselves Watchmen of the Constitution and Protectors of the unalienable Freedoms and Rights included therein, do ...

Petition to Dr Joseph Warren
A Declaration of Restoration

The United States government has conducted the greatest crime in world history and in the process destroyed our Constitutional republic. American patriots will not let this crime stand. Please sign ...