Calvert County, we need your help! There are two Board of Education policies out for review, policy #2305 (library) and #2315 (curriculum), which have been viciously attacked as “anti-LGBTQ” and referred to as “book banning,” neither of which have any merit.
Policy #2305 (library) would not allow for explicit material in younger grades and requires an explicit label & parental consent for High School. Currently, Damsel by Elana Arnold is at three high schools; Northern, Huntingtown, and Calvert. This book includes, “graphic descriptions of a character being digitally raped by her “rescuer”, a young woman stabbed with a sword and then raped in the resulting wound, and much more. Read full review here:
This policy seeks to add an EXPLICIT label and parental consent to books like these. This book would STILL BE AVAILABLE in Calvert County Public Schools, not removed, for parents who permit their minor child to have access.
Policy 2315 (curriculum) creates a committee for Human Sexuality and Family Planning, which includes parent appointments, and ensures health curriculum is standardized throughout CCPS, age-appropriate, and politically neutral.
Yes or No choose and EMAIL your support for policy #2305 & #2315 to: [email protected] & SHARE this information!
Our next Board of Education meeting on July 16th @ 3:30pm at 1305 Dares Beach Rd Prince Frederick, MD
View all polices for review here:
I am in support of parental rights and theee policies are about parental rights
I support policies 2315 and 2305
I also support parents rights of policies 2315 and 2305
I also support parents rights of policies 2315 and 2305.