On September 2nd, 2021 South Carolina Supreme Court declared school mask mandates were unconstitutional!! The South Carolina superintendent of education Molly Spearman and the South Carolina department of education chose to ignore our state supreme court! Now a federal judge from a federal court has said that South Carolina schools have authority over our children to require them to wear a mask and be muzzled like an animal! Now South Carolina schools are accepting Federal money for a socialist agenda and to indoctrinate our children! We the people of South Carolina must take our state back before we can take our country back and it starts here with our children! Remove them all and it must start with Spearman!!
USpatriot57 Liberty or Death ???????????????? One Republic Society of America onSeptemSeptemSeptemo
Unmask the children
No mask mandates and no vaccine mandates, not in schools, not anywhere!
What is this one with 11 supporters thing? I’ve shared this thing everywhere but no where to sign. We need her gone