Petition to Theresa (Terry) Golembiewski

Justice for Ethan Nordean a/k/a Rufio Panman

Justice for Ethan Nordean a/k/a Rufio Panman

I am asking for signatures to petition Judge Timothy Kelly to reconsider his decision to revoke bail for political prisoners - associated with the January 6, 2021 Capitol Protest. Men are being held in solitary confinement 23 hours a day. They FEAR FOR THEIR LIVES FROM THE GUARDS. One of the men is on suicide watch because of his PTSD. ALL of the detainees are innocent until proven guilty. However they are being held in prison until their trials

3 Supporters

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Letter to
Activist, Theresa (Terry) Golembiewski

Justice for Ethan Nordean a/k/a Rufio Panman


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theresa (terry) golembiewski start this petition
3 years ago

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3 Supporters
97 needed to reach 100
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