January 6, 2021 If Republican Congress members vote NO to re-electing Donald J Trump on January 6th after all the evidence of voter fraud (WE THE PEOPLE) will vote NO to re-electing them! Congress members were elected to be the voice of (WE THE PEOPLE) and if they can't do their job (WE THE PEOPLE) will vote them out! A list of the Congress members names will be gathered and WE will campaign nonstop to get them out! This petition will not end on January 6 or after just because Congress has already voted, this petition will continue And continue to grow to remind the members of Congress that voted NO that Their days are numbered!
Petition to Congress
Congress members will either do their job and vote to re-elect Donald J Trump on January 6th or we will get them out!
Red State Coalition
· US
833 view
January 4, 2021
Letter to
Congress members will either do their job and vote to re-elect Donald J Trump on January 6th or we will get them out!
Red State Coalition start this petition
4 years ago
4 needed to reach 10
Today: Red State Coalition is counting on you
Red State Coalition needs your help with “Congress members will either do their job and vote to re-elect Donald J Trump on January 6th or we will get them out!”. Join Red State Coalition and 6 supporters today.
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