Petition to Rapides Parish Library Control Board

Support the Amendment to Keep LGBTQ+ & Sexually Explicit Books From Library Children’s Section

Support the Amendment to Keep LGBTQ+ & Sexually Explicit Books From Library Children’s Section
Other in Rapides Parish, LA, US
1,4K view

All over the country, parents have seen grotesque, sexually explicit books for children in recent years. A member of the Rapides Parish Control Board proposed an amendment to keep books of this genre out of the children's section and placed into its own.

They are not being banned.

"LGBTQ+" identity stands for "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer". ALL of these are sexual proclivities and children have NO BUSINESS being introduced to sexual proclivities. If these sorts of books are allowed in the children's section, you will see books of an explicit nature along with it. You cannot separate the non-explicit from the explicit. They always go together as the very identity involves sexual behavior.

The local media has magnified the voices of the individuals who want children to access sexually explicit material in a public venue. Naturally, this makes one wonder why the media wants to amplify the voices of those who want to introduce sexual material to children, because again, everything about the identity is wrapped up in sexual proclivity and behavior.

We ask you to support the Amendment to keep books of this nature out of the children's section.

January 10, 2023

123 Supporters

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Letter to
Rapides Parish Library, Rapides Parish Library Control Board

Support the Amendment to Keep LGBTQ+ & Sexually Explicit Books From Library Children's Section


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Joshua Bordelon start this petition
2 years ago


Joshua Bordelon
Joshua Bordelon

I don’t seem to know much about this situation and my write up on this says that. We all have a gender-identity , this isn’t something unique to trans people.

Joshua Bordelon
Joshua Bordelon

sad attempt at impersonation.
have a video:

Joshua Bordelon
Joshua Bordelon

Maybe we’ll investigate all the pedophilia going on in our churches next. I hear the Southern Baptists in Texas and the Catholics have quite the problem. They don’t even have to tell the police when a child is molested by someone in their own clergy!

Joshua Bordelon
Joshua Bordelon

These books have been allowed in our libraries for far too long, and when Tucker Carlson tells me they will turn me and my kids gay, I believe him! Nobody should be able to tell me I can’t indoctrinate their kids with lies and false accusations!

Lisa Price
Lisa Price

I gladly support God’s truth and this petition! Thank you for the opportunity to support and protect the lives of our children!

kompresör bursa
kompresör bursa

Bursa’nın lider kompresör firması olarak ihtiyacınıza uygun çözümler sunuyoruz. Uzman ekibimizle tanışın.


Lida zayıflama hapı ile sizlerde hızlı şekilde kilo verebilirsiniz. lida

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123 Supporters
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