Petition to Barn Men

Oppose Permit for the Franklin Pride Festival

Jay Jay · US

Oppose Permit for the Franklin Pride Festival
11,9K view

In 2021 & 2022 Franklin Pride Fest featured Drag Queen Shows both years. These drag shows violated city ordinance and an existing state obscenity law.

For 2023 they promise no drag shows and are marketing it as “family friendly” with activities including a “youth activity tent” and a “teens activity tent”. But “No Drag Show” does not control actions/dress of attendees to an event centered around sexuality.

The adults of Franklin Pride demonstrated an extreme lack of judgment in promoting such a performer as “family friendly” and targeting minors with youth activities on city property where “The Blair Bitch” (See image above) and others were performing. How can we trust that it will be family friendly this year when city ordinances and existing state obscenity laws were violated in the past?

"The drag queen might appear as a comic figure, but he carries an utterly serious message:

Due to the uncertain path this event could take and in light of a community shaken by recent events we ask that the officials of BOMA reject the permit for the festival.

Give our community time to heal as well as time to understand the impact of transgender ideology on our children. This article by Chris Rufo will shed some light on transgender ideology -

By fully understanding where transgenderism aims to take our children:

  • We stand against the pushing of gender ideology on minors
  • We stand against the sexualization of children
  • We do not see this event as "family friendly" as one of it's main goals is to "subvert middle-class family life" and values

Thank you,

Franklin BOMA will vote to Approve/Deny - Tuesday, April 11, 5:00 PM Please attend the meeting on 4/11 to oppose the permit.
(Note to signers: Petition will be delivered April 10, 2023 to BOMA)

2,493 Supporters

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Letter to
Organizer , Barn Men

Oppose Permit for the Franklin Pride Festival


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Jay start this petition
2 years ago


Ken Helton
Ken Helton

I oppose the gay pride festival in Franklin. This is more than the free speech issues. It involves common decency. Why are the proponents of this festival specifically setting up exhibits for children.? Our children do not need to be exposed to this type of indecency nor shares of city of Franklin be supporting it.

Jonette Brockway
Jonette Brockway

Please keep “family friendly” events just that…Family Friendly. Children today are thrust into adult sexuality. Let children be children. Society today is sending confusing messages to our children. How did we get to a time when we ask children what sex they want to be. It is ridiculous. Young children don’t understand the ramifications. Our young children suffer from more mental illness issues than ever before. Our “woke” society is crushing our children. Please present the “Pride Show” in a more appropriate location and have it be adults only. Thank you

Shirley Vaughn
Shirley Vaughn

Why do drag queens crave an audience of children. 😢

Scot C Thrash
Scot C Thrash

Protect the children !!

Kaylah Miku
Kaylah Miku

We must stand up and protect our children!!!!

Eric Schultz
Eric Schultz

This is not about sexual preference, gender identity, LGBTQI rights etc it is about preventing exposing children to adult subjects.

Darlynne S Jordan
Darlynne S Jordan

I oppose this event. Keep Franklin Family Friendly and God Fearing!

Kelli Elliott
Kelli Elliott

I oppose this event. Keep our children and keep Franklin family friendly. This event should not be put on in our community.

Delayna Bridges
Delayna Bridges

I oppose this event. There is no need for any group to trot their sexual proclivities outside the bedroom door

Eastyn Glover
Eastyn Glover

i oppose this event and will drag that creature out of the festival next time i see one! get it 😁🇺🇸 franklin before fags!

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2,493 Supporters
2,507 needed to reach 5,000
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