Petition to NH Cannabis Association llc

Support Cannabis Legalization in New Hampshire in 2024. Sign Our Petition to Support HB1633!

Support Cannabis Legalization in New Hampshire in 2024. Sign Our Petition to Support HB1633!
250 view

Last week, “Live Free” Cannabis Bill HB1633 passed the New Hampshire House of Representatives with strong bipartisan support.

New Hampshire is currently the only state in New England that has not legalized recreational cannabis. Over 70% of Granite Staters support the passage of a Cannabis legalization bill and it is predicted to add tens of millions of dollars to the Granite State economy.

HB 1633 resulted from a bipartisan effort involving legislators, industry experts, and other citizen stakeholders. The bill includes virtually all of Governor Sununu’s prerequisites for passage. Yet there are state senators who are wary about signing the bill.

Some senators insist that cannabis must be regulated through a franchise model that will favor out-of-state corporate interests, rather than an agency store model that will favor an entrepreneurial free market approach while providing significant oversight by the Liquor Commission.

Please let your State Senator know that it is time for New Hampshire to join its sister New England states in embracing both the healthcare and economic benefits of Cannabis. It is long past due.

Please sign our petition encouraging Senators to support the passage of HB1633 to put it on the Governor’s desk.

We will submit the petition to the Senate when HB1633 moves to their chamber.

New Hampshire residents can sign our petition at

4 Supporters

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Letter to
Founder, NH Cannabis Association llc

Support Cannabis Legalization in New Hampshire in 2024. Sign Our Petition to Support HB1633!


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Daryl Eames start this petition
8 months ago

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4 Supporters
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