Petition to American Citizens

No More Mail-In Ballots in the United States

No More Mail-In Ballots in the United States
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Mail-in ballots have caused millions of Americans to doubt the legitimacy of their election system.

By combining mail-in ballots with machines that have access to the internet, malicious groups of people knowledgeable in cyber security flaws have the ability to know how many voters have cast their vote in real time. This is done my exploiting security vulnerabilities in the voting machines.

Once these attackers know how many voters haven't cast their votes, it would be possible for such attackers, who also have access to ballot templates, to print duplicate ballots in favor of their candidate, and have them delivered and counted before the mail-in ballot deadline.

And when mail-in ballots are coupled with election deadlines past the actual election voting date, this system can be reproduced as many times as needed, in as many counties as needed in order for an attacker or group of attackers' candidate to win.

This would explain certain voting night anomalies such as stopping the vote count late at night in the evening. Such a scenario would occur if a very large number of votes would be needed in a short period of time to re-calibrate the voting totals and would call for an emergency larger number of ballots to be printed and counted in time for the mail-in ballot count deadline.

Please visit the following links for additional information:

Video explaining how it is possible to hack the machines, and how they are connected to the internet:

Article about how easy it is to manipulate results with mail-in ballots:

Other video about how easy it is to hack voting machines:

1 Supporters

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Letter to
United States, American Citizens

No More Mail-In Ballots in the United States


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Colby Cox start this petition
3 years ago

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1 Supporters
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