Attention all patriots and supporters of traditional family values! We need your help to make a difference in our schools and communities. At Florida Straights, we are advocating for equal representation of the nuclear family in schools that display LGBTQ materials.
Our goal is to ensure that children who do not identify with the LGBTQ community also feel included and represented. We are fighting for the right to display flags, safe space stickers, and Straight Pride clubs where LGBTQ clubs are encouraged.
We believe that all children, regardless of their background, should have a say in how they are represented in their schools. Our grassroots movement is growing, and we need your support to make a real impact.
Join us in signing the petition for equal representation of the nuclear family in schools that display LGBTQ materials. Let's make a difference on a grassroots level and grow nationally to ensure proper respect and representation for all walks of life, including our straight children. Together, we can create a brighter future for our families and communities. Sign the petition now at #EqualRepresentation #TraditionalFamilyValues #FloridaStraights
I can’t believe we even need a petition like this to defend something that has been the norm for all of human history until now. We are way past the acceptance phase, and have moved into the indoctrination phase with LGBTQ. When ~25% of young Americans identify as ‘other than straight’ you know the brainwashing is working.
You are correct, this should have never been needed.