D Kevin Flannery


Joined January 10, 2021

Petition to Arizona State Legislature
The Pursuit of a Just and Honest Election

Petition to the State Legislatures of the Battleground States Regarding the Presidential Election of November 3, 2020: We the People of the United States, Given that we believe that there ...

We the people of Illinois do nearby demand the removal of Adam Kinzinger from the position of representative of the 16th congressional district. He publicly announced shortly after the ...

Parents and mental health experts world wide are expressing concern and outrage over the alarming amount of the toys sexualizing young children sitting on the shelves this year, one culprit ...

Petition to Nicole Eagle
Stop the conservative cancel culture

Hodgetwins on Facebook Wendy Bell on KDKA radio the biased media and social network sites are silencing our voices. Lets show the liberals we refuse to be silenced. change.org removed 2 petitions with apx ...

Dear NFL: We will not support millionaire ingrates who hate America and disrespect our Armed Forces and Veterans. Who wins a football game has ZERO impact on our lives. Who ...

The mainstream media embraces the worst kind of people. If the Left loves to hire criminals, and the mainstream media love to hire soulless, lying thugs. We need to fire ...