Petition to Joseph Biden


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The Office of the President of the United States of America

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20500

August 24, 2022

Subject: Petition to rescind the COVID-19 national emergency.

President Biden:

We respectfully advocate for the immediate termination of the declared National Emergency by President Trump on March 13, 2020, which was most recently re-authorized by your office through October 13, 2022.

The National Coalition of Frontline Workers believes the emergency powers enacted during the height of the pandemic, now represent an over-reach of executive power that is encroaching on our members’ pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As such, we petition our government to end this emergency declaration on behalf of our organization and the signatories of this petition.

The Constitutional merits of the COVID-19 mandates that stem from these executive emergency powers are now being challenged across our great nation. The vast body of public policy that has been enabled by President Trump’s declaration, and by its continuance during your administration, has caused a great deal of harm to befall the very frontline workers who endured the challenges of operating during a pandemic despite unknown health outcomes, limited personal protective equipment, and no available vaccine protection at the height of the emergency. Many frontline workers across our nation – Fire/ EMS, Healthcare workers, and Law Enforcement Officers among them harbor sincerely held religious and medical objections that preclude consent to COVID-19 vaccination, and many of these same workers have acquired immunity to SARS-Co-V2 in the line of duty.

On March 3, 2022, the US Senate voted 48-47 to Terminate the National Emergency. A groundswell of support for this joint resolution is rapidly building among members of the US House of Representatives. Accordingly, we petition you to redress this grievance under the executive powers bestowed upon your office. The National Coalition of Frontline Workers looks forward to your reconsideration of the declaration, and we are proud to represent the concerns of our members on this matter, in service to our Republic.

15 Supporters

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Letter to
President of the United States, Joseph Biden


The Office of the President of the United States of America

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20500

August 24, 2022

Subject: Petition to rescind the COVID-19 national emergency.

President Biden:

We respectfully advocate for the immediate termination of the declared National Emergency by President Trump on March 13, 2020, which was most recently re-authorized by your office through October 13, 2022.

The National Coalition of Frontline Workers believes the emergency powers enacted during the height of the pandemic, now represent an over-reach of executive power that is encroaching on our members’ pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As such, we petition our government to end this emergency declaration on behalf of our organization and the signatories of this petition.

The Constitutional merits of the COVID-19 mandates that stem from these executive emergency powers are now being challenged across our great nation. The vast body of public policy that has been enabled by President Trump’s declaration, and by its continuance during your administration, has caused a great deal of harm to befall the very frontline workers who endured the challenges of operating during a pandemic despite unknown health outcomes, limited personal protective equipment, and no available vaccine protection at the height of the emergency. Many frontline workers across our nation – Fire/ EMS, Healthcare workers, and Law Enforcement Officers among them harbor sincerely held religious and medical objections that preclude consent to COVID-19 vaccination, and many of these same workers have acquired immunity to SARS-Co-V2 in the line of duty.

On March 3, 2022, the US Senate voted 48-47 to Terminate the National Emergency. A groundswell of support for this joint resolution is rapidly building among members of the US House of Representatives. Accordingly, we petition you to redress this grievance under the executive powers bestowed upon your office. The National Coalition of Frontline Workers looks forward to your reconsideration of the declaration, and we are proud to represent the concerns of our members on this matter, in service to our Republic.


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Jason Collins start this petition
2 years ago

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15 Supporters
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