On July 20th, Upper Darby Democratic political boss Margo Davidson was charged with THEFT by the Pennsylvania Attorney General's office. The AG's says that, while representing US, the people, Davidson requested reimbursement for expenses that she did not incur, and double-dipped on many other expenses, cheating taxpayers on both ends. This is not her first abuse of office. Margo Davidson is also famous for her THREE accidents in state vehicles in only three years, including a hit and run while on a suspended license, which cost us all tens of thousands of dollars.
The deal she cut with the PA Attorney General is a sweetheart deal allowing her to KEEP her taxpayer-funded pension benefits. Why are crooks like Margo allowed to steal taxpayer dollars and break the law, then receive benefits for years? Taxpayers do not want to pay for criminals who abuse their status for personal gain. Most of us do not have pensions ourselves. Let's tell the Pennsylvania SERS leadership to REVOKE Margo Davidson's taxpayer-funded pension and benefits. It is time for accountability.
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-The Upper Darby GOP Team
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