A Las Vegas casino company is trying to push gambling casinos into Texas (deceptively promoting them as "Destination Resorts"). They are working hard to force this upon Texans with tons of ads especially on X (Twitter).
Gambling Casinos have NEVER improved ANY place they've been allowed. The gambling crowds always bring with them drugs, crime, human trafficking, sex trafficking, alcoholism, addictions, debauchery, and all other types of human misery. Texans, let's don't fall for this deception!!!!!
Let's just say NO WAY! Keep your gambling casinos out of Texas!
Texans, please contact your State Representative, State Senator and Governor Greg Abbott to let them know of your opposition so they can stand firm against the pressure to allow this in Texas!
Governor Abbott: https://gov.texas.gov>contact TX State Reps: https://capitol.texas.gov>Resources>contactText.aspx TX State Senators: https://www.senate.texas.gov>directory.php