Petition to Brad Raffensperger

Petition to Call on Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to Resign

Petition to Call on Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to Resign
Politics in Fulton County, GA, US
2,9K view

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has totally mismanaged the election. He proceeded to implement the Dominion Voting System, even after he was warned that the machines were vulnerable to hacking.

Hackers say they took over vote scanners like those coming to Georgia**

Raffensperger outsourced implementation of the Dominion Voting system to an employee's private company.. The employee became a contractor so his company could be awarded a no-bid contract..

Raffensperger changed Georgia Law by agreeing to a settlement with Stacey Abrams and company that allowed absentee ballot signatures to match either what is on file with the election board office OR the signature that is on the absentee ballot application. Raffensperger lacked the Constitutional authority to change Georgia law. This makes it much easier for nefarious ballot harvesters to illegally obtain absentee ballots for voters that are either deceased or have moved. These ballot harvesters simply sign the voters name.

Raffensperger defiantly ignored the ballot security concerns of GOP voters and sent out absentee ballot applications to all Georgia registered voters during the party primaries. Voters that were 65 and older could request absentee ballots for the general election. GOP voters reported receiving absentee ballot applications for voters that had moved years prior or were deceased. Nefarious persons could have easily turned in the application for voters that had moved. This dramatically increased the potential for election fraud.

Raffensperger blamed the many problems on the party primary election day with the new machines on the county election boards. The county election boards pushed back and complained that the Secretary of State's Office did not provide adequate numbers of voting machines to properly train poll workers, nor did the SoS office allow enough time to train the workers.

Raffensperger increased the potential for election fraud in the general election by deploying hundreds of ballot drop boxes across Georgia, including almost 40 in Fulton County. Ballots could be simply dropped in one of these drop boxes instead of the voter mailing their ballot in or going in person to their county election board and turning the ballot in.

President Donald Trump and other Congressional Republicans, including both of Georgia's U.S. Senators have criticized Raffensperger and his recount/audit fiasco. Raffensperger's reponse was to insult them and their dismiss their deep concerns. Raffensperger only allowed 1 GOP auditor/poll watchers per 10 tables while county election boards are doing the audit. This is inadequate.

Perdue, Loeffler call on Georgia Secretary of State to resign over election management

As of Nov. 18th, 3 Georgia counties found additional votes that the voting machines did not tabulate.

It is past time for Raffensperger to resign.

November 18, 2020

332 Supporters

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Letter to
Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger

Petition to Call on Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to Resign

We the people call on you to resign at once.


More updates...
Debbie Dooley start this petition
4 years ago


Stacie Reichard
Stacie Reichard

You need to resign immediately or face prison time.

Abraham S Glaser
Abraham S Glaser

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger must go. It is time for a recall.

Judy Cheely
Judy Cheely

I voted for you but am very disappointed in how you have handled this election! Time for you to resign!

michael long
michael long

secretary of state Brad Raffensperger fail to do his job and needs to go.

Marites Redding
Marites Redding

Brad Raffensperger MUST RESIGN!

Marites Redding
Marites Redding

RESIGN Brad Raffensperger!

Rob Edwards
Rob Edwards

Get him OUT! He is bad for Georgia, for conservatives and he doesn’t tell the truth. Also he is Stacy Abrams sidekick – he needs to be gone.

Dennis Caniglia
Dennis Caniglia

I agree

Stacy Wright
Stacy Wright


Benjamin Hinderer
Benjamin Hinderer

Where do you sign the petition?

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332 Supporters
4,668 needed to reach 5,000
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