In many cases of sexual assault, the victim is accused of lying about their experience by a third party. The real salt in the wound, though, is hearing such life-destroying words from someone who encourages this kind of violence by rejecting gender norms and imbalances (and making the gender discriminatory beliefs that leads to this kind of violence stronger in the process). the added trauma that is caused by this behavior does nothing to resolve sexual violence. many victims take their own lives as a result of others taking away her value as a person. this victim could be your daughter, your mother, your teacher, or any other woman you know. It even happens to innocent children and teens. It's an act of violence and control, not love.
We need to do everything in our power to combat this. more victims need to expose their predators.The police and the judicial system need to take their plights seriously. The people who have never had this happen to them need to understand the concept of empathy and understand that this is about more than creeps dragging women into allyways. Most importantly, we need to have our goverment make stronger laws to combat the culture of violence that many see as "not their problem".
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